This Is An Outrage!

Public-schooled children are taken to a mosque for a field trip and taught how to pray to Allah:

Go to the following link to watch the video.

I read in another article that the school has since apologized….but the damage is already done.  Would love to hear your thoughts!

About korenfabfive

Wife to my first love, Thomas for 14 yrs. Mom of 3 beautiful, and very lively, little girls. I am the family cook, housekeeper, bookkeeper, teacher, nurse, taxi driver, personal assistant, and clown. I am known to be diplomatically direct and say what needs to be said...and sometimes what doesn't need to be said. Disclaimer: This may come out in my blogs. I love music. Especially worship music. However, if you give me the first stanza of any 80's and 90's songs, I can tell you what song it is..but not always the artist. Sitting behind a keyboard (the instrument..not the computer), is one of my favorite places to be. Unfortunately, I do not always have the time. I enjoy cooking and baking and it shows on my waistline. But, it is said that you should never trust a skinny cook. So I would say that I am a very trustworthy cook! Someday, Thomas and I want to go to both Ireland and Scandinavia where our ancestors are from. Another place we dream of visiting is Australia.
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2 Responses to This Is An Outrage!

  1. Jill says:

    I think it’s only fair that they take the kids to a Pentecostal church for their NEXT field trip. 🙂

    This is disappointing from a nation so concerned with the separation of chuch and state. Remove the 10 Commandments, learn how to pray to Allah. Doesn’t make ANY sense.

  2. Amy says:

    Wow. I am going to need to think about this one and process it.
    At first I thought this was a great idea that these children would be exposed to another culture and see how others worship BUT that woman who was speaking to the kids seemed more like she was “PREACHING” rather than just being informative. And teaching that “Allah” is god above all other gods etc. seemed more like a form of brain-wash. I started this video feeling very open-minded but definitely was not comfortable with the turn it took.

    I think this just proves that no matter what kind of education our children are getting, we as the parents, need to be very involved.

    I live in the “bible belt” and my daughter goes to a small charter school where 99% of the children are Christian. I will say that if she was given the opportunity to go on a field trip to OBSERVE another culture/religion I would have allowed it (and gone along too) but PARTICIPATING in that culture/religion is a completely different thing.

    Interesting. I can tell I will be thinking about this all day. 🙂
    My husband is 1/2 Arab. I will be curious what he thinks about this too! I will show it to him.

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